Create a video from story builder exports with AVID Media Composer

A details manual of creating a video from story builder exports with AVID Media Composer

Media Composer requires that the medias that are used have the same framerate than the project to be successfully relinked (otherwise it will fail).
  1. Download EDL file for Media Composer.12
  2. Select the same frame rate you selected earlier in the Trint export and click OK.
    Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 4.08.15 PM
  3. On the panel of the middle, right click and go to input > import EDL...14
  4. Select the parameters that matches your EDL file (in this example, 25FPS).
  5. On the right panel, create a new BIN for your video assets.
  6. Import all your medias with the source bowser.
  7. When you are here, click on “Link” and close the modal.
  8. Select the bin where your EDL is and decompose your EDL by right-clicking on it and clicking Decompose.
  9. Select all the videos and the decomposed EDL and on the decomposed EDL click on Relink > managed medias.

In the first box, select  Selected items in ALL open bins.

Tick Ignore extension and untick Match case when comparing sources

Click OK.


10.  Double click on the newly created sequence. 

It should have a name like sequence_name.decomposed.relinked.01.