SAML SSO configuration guide for Okta

What steps are needed to add Trint as a SAML authenticated application in my Okta organization?

Configure SAML SSO with Okta

If your organization uses Okta to manage your employees’ access to tools and services, you can add an integration with Trint as an application.

Trint also supports user provisioning with SCIM. If you'd like to use this feature please look at the SCIM configuration guide for Okta.

This guide is focused on enabling you to configure both Trint and Okta to enable Okta to be used for authentication and authorization.


  • You must have a Trint account with an Enterprise subscription

Configuration instructions

  1. Log in to your Okta tenant with a user that has the Okta Application Administrator (All Apps) and Organization Administrator roles.
  2. Add the Trint application by browsing the App Catalog and searching for Trint.
  3. Choose to Add Integration, update the integration name if necessary and click Done.
  4. Assign the Okta user who will perform the role of the Trint account owner to the application. Then, make that user an Application Administrator for the new Trint application.
  5. The remaining steps may be performed by the Trint account owner with the Application Administrator (Trint) role, or an Okta administrator with the Application Administrator (All Apps) and Organization Administrator roles.
  6. Navigate to the Applications list, then select the Trint application.
  7. To configure SAML SSO Sign-on, go to the Sign-on tab. In the SAML 2.0 panel expand the More Details option.
  8. Copy the Sign on URL and Download the Signing Certificate. Send these to your Trint customer support manager, and request an SSO Connection Id. Optionally you can provide the Metadata URL.
  9. Once you have the Connection Id, click Edit on the Sign-on tab. Scroll down to the Advanced Sign-on Settings section and enter the Connection Id. In the Credentials Details section set the fields to “Email” and “Create and update”.


If you have questions or difficulties with your Trint/Okta SAML integration, please contact your Trint customer support manager. 

If you do not have a Trint enterprise account, contact Trint support via