Supported file specifications

File formats and sizes we accept

Updated over a week ago

What types of files does Trint support?

In order to transcribe successfully your file should be in one of the following formats:

Audio: MP3, M4A, MP4, AAC and WAV

Video: MP4, WMA, MOV and AVI

Can’t see your file format here?

If your file is not in one of these formats, it’s easy to convert it. Many audio and video players will do it for you. If not, one of our favourite converters is Audacity and it’s free!

What size should my file be?

Please ensure that your file is under 3 hours in duration, and/or 3GB in size, whichever comes first. While you can upload files above this limit, you are very likely to encounter stalling/upload errors.

What if my file is larger than 3GB or longer than 3 hours?

The best solution is to split your file into two or more parts. Transcription takes approximately as long as the length of the original file, so smaller chunks will transcribe quicker. This will also give you the benefit of starting to work on the already transcribed part while the others are still transcribing.

What about URL links like YouTube?

Unfortunately, we cannot accept YouTube links, or any other links to video/audio files.

We have had to implement this policy to ensure that, at the very least, our users have a copy of the original file before uploading. While this does not prove ownership of the files in question, it does help us avoid the legal headache surrounding copyright infringement.