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  3. Sharing and collaboration

Shared Drives

How to create a collaborative space to work together as a team

Shared Drives allow you to create secure folders within Trint where teams can upload, transcribe and collaborate on files together. This guide will explain how to set-up and manage a Shared Drive.

This support guide will cover:

Creating a new Shared Drive

To create a new Shared Drive:

  • Click on the “Shared Drives” category in your Trint dashboard.

  • Click on the button to create a Shared Drive.

A form will pop-up prompting you to fill in the name of your Shared Drive and a description, if you like. When you are done, press the yellow button to continue.

Adding users to a Shared Drive

Click on the three dots at the top right-hand corner of the Shared Drive rectangle, then select “Manage users”.

You can also access this area within a Shared Drive and selecting “Manage” button in the navigation bar at the top of your browser.

A side menu will now pop-up where you can enter the names of colleagues that you want to add to your Shared Drive.

Only Trint accounts that are part of your organization can be added to a Shared Drive. You can also remove people with access by pressing the “Remove” link next to their name.

Transcribing directly into a Shared Drive

Uploading and transcribing files works the same way as outside of a Shared Drive. Just select the Shared Drive from the “Customize your transcript” menu before starting the transcription.

For detailed instructions on how to upload a file and create a transcript, see our Creating a transcript support article.

Please note that all files transcribed into a Shared Drive cannot be moved out once they are ready to view and edit.

Managing Shared Drives

To move a file from your personal folder into a Shared Drive:

  • Check the box on the left of the file’s name

  • Click the “Move” button in the navigation bar of the Trint dashboard

  • Select “Shared Drives” tab from the pop-up menu and press the yellow button to continue.

⚠️ Please note that once a file is moved into a Shared Drive, it cannot be moved back into your personal Trint folder.


Deleting files

Files can be deleted from a Shared Drive in the same way as your My Drive folders. Just select the check box next to the file and click on the “Delete” button in the navigation bar.


Archiving Shared Drives

Trint does not allow you to delete Shared Drives but you can archive it. Just click on the “Manage” button in the navigation bar of your Shared Drive and select the “Archive” option.

Admins can restore archived Shared Drives at any time by going into the “Admin Dashboard”, selecting the “Shared Drives” tab and clicking the “Restore” option.

Shared Drive access levels

Shared Drive members can have different access levels depending on their requirements. Trint offers six default roles that come with every team:

  1. Admin

  2. Manager

  3. Transcript commenter

  4. Collaborator

  5. Shared Drive Collaborator

  6. Read only


By default, the Shared Drive creator will be made Manager, but this role can be assigned to other members too. Managers can change someone’s role and remove people from a Shared Drive entirely.

Here’s a list of all permissions that come with these default roles. Enterprise admins can create custom roles on top of the default roles if needed.



Applies to

  • Manage Shared Drive members (add, edit, remove)

  • Edit Shared Drive settings

  • Upload to Shared Drive

  • Manage folders (add, edit, archive)

  • Edit Trints

  • Comment on Trints

  • Share transcripts with guests

  • Share transcripts through read-only links

  • Archive Shared Drive

  • Manage Shared Drive members (add, edit, remove)

  • Edit Shared Drive settings

  • Upload to Shared Drive

  • Manage folders (add, edit)

  • Edit Trints

  • Comment on Trints

  • Share transcripts with guests

  • Share transcripts through read-only links

  • Archive Shared Drive

Transcripts inside Shared Drives

Transcript Commenter

Comment on Trints

Transcripts only

  • Manage Shared Drive members (add, edit, remove)

  • Edit Shared Drive settings

  • Upload to Shared Drive

  • Edit Trints

  • Comment on Trints

  • Add and edit folders

  • Share transcripts with guests

  • Share transcripts through read-only links

  • Archive Shared Drive

Transcripts inside Shared Drives 

Shared Drive Collaborator

  • Edit Trints

  • Comment on Trints

  • Upload to Shared Drive

  • Manage Shared Drive members (add, edit, remove)

  • Add and edit folders

  • Share transcripts through read-only links

Transcripts inside Shared Drives

Read only

  • Has access to view files in Shared Drives

Shared Drives

We hope you have found this article useful. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at support@trint.com and our team will be happy to help.

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